Between 2004 and 2014 approximately 30 acres of Tempe’s Papago Park was impacted by the cities water department pipelines, lay down yards and associated construction. I revegetated these areas using several experimental techniques. One large effort in 2007 shown below was revegetating the desert behind the Arizona Historical Museum after a 60″ transmission line was installed. Paying careful attention to drainage I reshaped several arroyos, positioned boulders (not buried by the pipeline contractor) and then provided a Landscape Architect with sketches positioning Foothill Palo Verdes (Cercidium microphyllum) 24″ Box, Ironwoods (Olneya tesota) 24″ Box, Velvet Mesquites (Prosopis velutina) 24″ Box, Screw Bean Mesquites (Prosopis pupensis) 24″ Box and Cat Claw Acacia (Acacia greggi) 24 ” Box. Once complete using wood stakes I field positioned three foot, five foot, six foot, seven foot saguaros brought in by a specialized saguaro handler, Sonoran Cacti. The saguaros were then and still are irrigated with above ground poly tubing off quick couplers on an as needed basis.
Same arroyo photographed in 2018. Photo RBond
Same arroyo photographed in 2018. Photo RBond
This is a two wired in ground pvc system with an upgraded rain bird IQ platform. I drafted this irrigation system and landscape out on tissue and turned it over to a Landscape Architect Caryn Logan Heaps ASLA to prepare construction and bid documents. The contract was awarded to The Groundskeeper.
Same area photographed in 2018. Photo RBond
Same area photographed in 2018. Photo RBond
Papago Park Lay Down Yard Revegetation 2012 Johnny G Martinez Water Treatment Plant, Tempe, Arizona
Before – After
TOP – Just after planting 2012, BOTTOM – 2018 Photo RBond
This reveg was a temporary above ground poly tubing system using three zones, two battery operated hunter valves, one for Creosotes and one for trees. A third poly tubing was run for saguaros to be manually run off a quick Coupler.
Note: Creosotes benefit from an independent water source to minimize loss. Photo RBond
Saguaros run manually off a quick couplers in the early morning hours. Photo RBond
Rain Bird emitters generally run for several hours in the early morning hours to avoid scalding hot water. Photo RBond
Papago Park Sewer Line 2004 Tempe, Arizona
For my first effort I used a T Boss and QC with above ground poly tubing. Photo RBond 2008
Before and after sewer line reveg done in 2004, first effort using above ground poly and QC method. Photo RBond